Rewards Hub
A more rewarding internet awaits.
Rewards balance
+0 pending
1,000 points required for redemption. Terms apply.




FeaturesRewards for AdsSite and creator rules

Adblock is enabled

Disabling here will affect all sites you visit.

Adblocker Mode

Watch ads disappear with Visual Mode or keep it simple with Classic Mode

Visual Mode
Watch ads vanish off the page.
Classic mode
Hide ads before the page loads.


We use top-tier adblock lists that are constantly updated to make sure you get as pure an intenternet experience as possible

Block Ads
Block ads on all websites

Block Cookie Consent Pop-ups
Block those annoying cookie consent banners on most websites

Enhanced Pop-up Blocking
We'll automatically close annoying popups the best we can

Track Ads
Allow us to track how many ads have been blocked and calculate how much space you've saved. All data is anonymized and used to improve the product!

Rewards for Ads is enabled

Get paid to see a limited number of Pie-approved ads and offers

Ways to earn

There are multiple ways that you can earn cash back for seeing a limited number of Pie-approved ads.

Fair Ads
We'll show you ads from our partners and make sure you get your fair share of the profits

Instant Rewards
Get paid to see a limited number of Pie-approved ads and offers

Cash Back for Shopping
Get paid when you shop online through Pie's shopping partners

Site and creator rules

Adjust which sites or creator channels you're allowing ads on.

To quickly pause sites, just click the puzzle piece icon in your browser and pin Pie Adblock

Sites you've paused

If you've paused Pie Adblock on a website, we'll show it here.

No sites are paused

You can pause sites to allow ads on them.

Auto-paused sites

Occassionally we will pause adblock on sites for all users where we know there is a known issue or our team is actively working on implementing a new fix.

No sites are paused.

Any sites we've automatically paused will show up here.